It can also be a time of adjusting to a ‘new normal’, including changes in your self-identity – both physically and emotionally, so it is important to have support, rest frequently, eat well, and enjoy your journey of motherhood.
There is No ‘Correct’ Way
Each new mother’s experience is different. Remember that you are not expected to be an expert and the new journey of motherhood involves many learnings for you, your partner, and your baby. You will be offered lots of advice from others, but with time will discover your own routines and what works for you.
Becoming a parent is the biggest possible life event one can experience. The changes are profound, so be kind to yourself and remember to look after your own needs and ask for support from those around you.
You also have the full support of hospital midwives 24/7 to help with all aspects of caring for your baby, breast feeding and general maternal wellbeing.
Depending on your post-birth recovery and personal preferences, the length of stay post-birth at Gosford Hospital is usually 4 to 7 nights.
We offer follow up appointments at the practice with our obstetricians and midwives as often as you need in the weeks after the birth of your baby.
For all women, we recommend a postnatal appointment around six weeks’ post-birth. This appointment provides an opportunity to discuss your general health, Cervical Screening Test (CST), options for contraception, and talk about both your physical and emotional wellbeing.
Our referral system is simple, ensuring you have help when you need it, from a range of services specialising in care to suit your individual needs. Our physiotherapy friends at Physiozest work out of Intuition weekly also!
Yes- we’d love to see your beautiful new baby at your post-pregnancy appointment! As the check up is for “Mum” however, if you prefer to attend your appointment on your own, that is totally ok!
We usually see you around 6 weeks after the birth of your baby. The post-pregnancy appointment is a health and wellbeing check-up for Mum.
We will attend to your CST (Pap Smear) if it’s due, perform a physical examination (if required) and discuss wellbeing and mental health. We also provide information on support groups and networks available to you.
If you wish to make a booking with one of our specialists or allied health team, please get in touch with our friendly support staff.
We understand the need for women-led care and have an easy referral system to other health care professionals who provide a range of services specialised to your individual needs.