Leading Central Coast Obstetrics and Gynaecology Practice, Intuition Private has today announced plans to expand its business premises.
The two-suite clinic, located at Gosford Private Medical Centre on Jarrett Street North Gosford, is about to embark on expanding its footprint to three suites.
The purpose-designed obstetrics, gynaecology and ultrasound imaging centre was opened in 2016 to accommodate women looking for a premium healthcare experience on the Central Coast.
Over the past eight years, the business has gone from strength to strength, as more young professionals vacate the overpriced Sydney suburbs and relocate to the more affordable Central Coast.
Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Clinical Director of Intuition Private, Dr Peta Skilbeck said that while Australian mothers are generally starting their families later and having fewer babies, this more educated and affluent demographic are opting for more premium care.
“What we’re increasingly seeing is Central Coast mums choosing quality over quantity when it comes to growing their families,” she said.
“These women have been in the workforce longer than their forebearers, they are more educated, more affluent and with this, they have firm preferences on the level of premium care they want during their pregnancy.”
The Australian Bureau of Statistics birth registry data from 2022 shows the fertility rate of women aged 35-39 has more than doubled in the years between 2017 and the report year of 2022. For women aged 40-44, it had tripled.
While this research shows a decline in the national birth rate, the same report’s birth registry data shows the Central Coast is bucking the trend.
Exactly 4,046 newborns were welcomed into the Central Coast in 2022 (the last census data was updated in 2023), 525 more than when the Intuition Private clinic opened in 2016 (or an increase of close to 15 percent*)[1].
The Central Coast area’s fertility rate sits at 1.98 (in 2022), the highest rate since 2015. That’s approximately one baby born every two hours within the local government area.
“This change in demographic is driving a greater demand for private healthcare on the Central Coast and we’re seeing that through our enrolments for pregnancy care,” added Skilbeck.
Not only is the practice facing a baby boom, it’s also approaching what health experts are dubbing the “grey tsunami”, referring to a huge bubble of an ageing population.[2]
These patients are languishing on lengthy public waiting lists for much needed gynaecological procedures that are deemed “elective”, because they’re not deemed an emergency.
Elective surgery waiting times were at the highest level in 20 years during 2022–23, as public hospitals worked to catch up following pandemic-related delays.[3]
Both insured and non-insured patients are now turning to the private healthcare system for procedures such as cancer-related hysterectomies, cervical cell excisions, painful endometriosis scar tissue removal and other life-altering conditions.
“Like much of the Australian health system, we’re quite literally bursting at the seams, so our expansion into a third suite could not come soon enough,” said Dr Skilbeck.
While Intuition Private has always prioritised patients first, their employees have also been a major priority during the planning of the current renovations.
“It’s important for our highly valued doctors, nurses, educators and administrators to feel as though they’re receiving the very best employee experience.
“We’ve had our 23 team members very much top of mind when designing our new spaces,” said Skilbeck.
The newly renovated clinic is expected to be complete in August and will include two additional consulting rooms, a new procedure room, as well as a larger staff kitchen and storeroom.
In addition to the behind-the-scenes developments, the new clinic will feature a reconfigured and reimagined patient reception area that maximises natural lighting.
Intuition Private has commissioned Brookvale based Anthony Poate Design to undertake the design development. Local Central Coast builder, Cleary Building Contractors has been contracted for the fit out.
[1] Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) Table 3.1 Births, Summary, Local Government Areas, New South Wales–2011 to 2022 (2022 data included in October 2023 and represents the most up to date information on birth and fertility rates on the Central Coast and nationally). *Actual figure is 14.91 percent.
[2] Australian Patients Association (2019) Dementia: How big is the ageing tsunami? It’s a best guess scenario
[3] Medical Xpress (2023) In Australia’s public hospitals, post-COVID elective surgery wait times are longer than ever by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-australia-hospitals-post-covid-elective-surgery.html